Drawing its inspiration from the True Devotion to Mary, as taught by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, and which had a profound influence on the Founder of the Legion, the Servant of God, Frank Duff, the Legion is at the disposal of the Bishops and Priests for use in the mission of the Church. While essentially a lay association, legionaries look for spiritual and apostolic formation to priests and religious, who, as Legion Spiritual Directors, hold an honored place in the Legion system. The Legion requires ecclesiastical approval to work in a diocese or parish. Loyalty to the Magisterium and …
Category: Legion Inquires
Questions on the Legion of Mary
How do I start a Legion of Mary group in my parish? Each praesidium must, either directly or through an approved council, be affiliated to the Concilium Legionis. Permission to start a new praesidium must first be formally obtained from a Curia or the next-highest council, or in the ultimate resort, from the Concilium Legionis. Otherwise there is no Legion membership. No praesidium shall be established in any parish without the consent of the parish priest or of the Ordinary. In places where the Legion already exists, the effort should be made to provide the officers and a fair proportion …
Members’ Duties
Active membership is open to all Catholic men and women. Those over 18 years of age are in Senior Praesidia, and those under 18 are in Junior Praesidia. Duties of Active Membership 1. Attendance at a weekly meeting of the Praesidium 2. Daily recitation of the Catena (Magnificat) 3. The performance of a substantial assigned apostolic work weekly 4. An obligation to respect the confidential nature of many matters learned in connection with the Legionary work Duties of Auxiliary Membership 1. The daily recitation of the Rosary 2. The daily recitation of the prayers contained in the Tessera (Legion prayer …
History of the Legion of Mary
THE HISTORY OF THE LEGION OF MARY ORIGIN AND HISTORY In a poor and old part of Dublin, in a property known as Myra House, in Francis Street, the Legion of Mary began. The St. Vincent de Paul Society owned the house and the local conference held its meetings there. Sometime about 1917 some women were asked to assist this conference in serving free breakfasts on Sundays to poor children. When, later on, the free breakfasts were discontinued, the women remained to form, with a number of the brothers, a recruiting-center for the well-known Irish temperance society, the Pioneer Total …
Frank Duff – Founder
Frank Duff – June 7, 1889 – November 7, 1980 Founded the Legion of Mary on September 7, 1921 There are a couple of basic questions that we need to ask about Frank Duff and the process for the Cause of his beatification. Why do we want Frank Duff beatified? What is the reason for spending so much time and energy on the Cause when there are so many other forms of apostolic work that might seem more urgent and necessary? One reason is that the prayer and work involved in the process of beatification is itself a tremendous form of …
Praesidia: Mary, Mother of the Church St. Andrew Church Inactive Our Lady of the AssumptionSt. Margaret of Cortona Church Inactive President – Rose Duer Immaculate Heart of Mary St. Matthew, the Apostle Parish Meeting: Mondays 6pm at St. Gabriel room President – Manuel Xavier Madonna of the Sacred Heart Sacred Hearts Church President – Chris Gabrelcik Our Lady of Mercy Inactive St. Dominic Church President – Charla Sheppard Our Lady of Nazareth Inactive Holy Family Church President – William Matson Korean Praesidia Mary, Seat of Wisdom St. Leo Catholic Church President – Jungmin Theresa Lee Our Lady of Peace St. …
Legion of Mary
Mary invites you to join her Legion! “I am all yours, my Queen, my Mother, and all that I have is yours.” The Legion of Mary is an Association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of all Graces, have formed themselves into a Legion for service in the warfare which is perpetually waged by the Church against the world and its evil powers. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. The …
Things to Know about the Legion of Mary Paresidium
What is a Praesidium? The basic unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium. This Latin word was used to designate a detachment of the Roman Legion performing special duty such as a section of a military line, a fortified post, or a garrison. Each praesidium is named after a title of Our Blessed Lady, for example, Our Lady of Mercy, or from one of her privileges, for example, The Immaculate Conception, or from an event in her life, for example, The Visitation. No praesidium should be established in any parish without the consent of the parish priest …
Welcome to the Legion Of Mary Website in the Diocese of Columbus Ohio